International Patient Support Center

Message from the Center Director

 Approximately 500 foreign patients visit Okayama University Hospital each year. Of these, more than 90% are foreign patients living in Japan, and many of them are not proficient in Japanese, so language support such as interpreting is essential. The International Patient Support Center provides a variety of support in addition to language support to ensure that all patients, regardless of nationality, can receive safe and secure medical care, including lending medical interpretation tablets, sharing of cases of difficulty in dealing with foreign patients and discussion of countermeasures, and sharing of foreign cultures through in-house training programs. 


Center Director  
Jun Wada

What is the International Patient Support Center?

Okayama University Hospital applied for accreditation to the Japan Medical Services Accreditation for International Patients (JMIP), issued by the Japan Medical Education Foundation, and was certified on May 22, 2017 at the first time. The accreditation was renewed on February 10, 2023(3rd accredication).

 Our center supports overseas patients and foreign residents in Japan who seek medical care in our hospital and promotes medical globalization. We have contracted with a medical interpretation service to take better care of patients who need language assistance. If you need any help, please feel free to contact us.

  We continue updating hospital documents and consent forms in multiple languages. We will also do our best to provide international patients with comfortable medical care in our hospital.


Patient Acceptance Results


Organizational Chart