Department of Dermatology

Message from the Director of the Department

We take care of all skin diseases and troubles as dermatologists at the best medical institution. We will do our best to provide the most appropriate medical care for all patients.

Department of Dermatology
Shin Morizane

Scope of Target Diseases

The department provides treatment for common skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, cutaneous tumors (including malignancy), cutaneous infection, hair loss, and leukoderma. Additionally, we work actively not only herpesvirus infections, EB virus-related cutaneous disease but also rare dermatological diseases including pemphigus and congenital skin diseases. We conduct sentinel node biopsy and photodynamic therapy (PDT) as well. In addition to the above, we target all diseases with symptoms that affect the skin and mucosa. We also respond systemic diseases including allergy diseases and collagen diseases. Treatments of severe burns are also provided in cooperation with the emergency care center.

Features and Description of Medical Care

The department examines the entire body for skin symptoms. Of course, collaboration with other departments is actively conducted. The outpatient clinic has outpatient services for general skin diseases and for dermatological surgery and cutaneous tumors. The former gives diagnoses and treatments for all patients with skin symptoms, including bullous dermatoses, collagen diseases, and systemic illness as well as common skin diseases. Because various systemic diseases such as collagen diseases and metabolic diseases manifest their characteristic skin symptoms, we give systemic diagnoses and treatments with them as first clues. Some severe infections of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues develop distinctive systemic symptoms, which we target and for which we provide active treatments. The outpatient clinic conducts treatments with surgery for cosmetic problems such as pigmented spots and bruises. It also specializes in armpit odor. The outpatient skin surgery team positively conducts operative treatments for various benign and malignant tumors appearing on the skin and mucosa, treatments for burns, and postoperative follow-ups. It also actively collaborates with the Department of Plastic Surgery if necessary. When you have no idea about which outpatient service you should visit, please feel free to talk to any physician in the outpatient clinic.

For outpatient visits

In the outpatient clinic, attending physicians in the Department of Dermatology mainly provide treatment Monday through Friday. Preferential medical care is fundamentally given to patients who have an appointment. In the inpatient ward, attending physicians and the ward chief physician take the initiative in discussions by all staff members about the disease condition and problems of each patient. They decide the treatment policy.

Centers & Services