The 21th International Symposium on Molecular and Neural mechanisms
of Taste and Olfactory Perception (ISMNTOP XXI, YRUF XXI, AISCRIB XIII)
March 1-2, 2025, @ Dental School Building 4F, Okayama University

 Hosted by:
   Department of oral physiology, Faculty of medicine, dentistry and pharmaceutical sciences, Okayama University

   Ryusuke Yoshida (Okayama Univ)
   Yuzo Ninomiya (Okayama Univ, Kyushu Univ, Monell Chemical Senses Center)


----- March 1st, Saturday -----

■ Opening remarks: 12:50 - 13:00

Ryusuke Yoshida (Okayama University)

■ Session 1: Taste Receptor: 13:00 – 14:15
[Chair: Atsuko Yamashita (Osaka University), Keisuke Sanematsu (Kyushu University)]

IS1-1: 13:00 - 13:25
Halogen ion-binding site in fish taste receptor Tas1r3
Atsuko Yamashita (Osaka University, Japan)

IS1-2: 13:25 - 13:50
Taste receptor type 1 member 3 in osteoclasts regulates osteoclastogenesis
Shoichiro Kokabu (Kyushu Dental College, Japan)

IS1-3: 13:50 - 14:15
Preference for the gum and calcium in common marmoset
Hiroo Imai (Kyoto University, Japan)

BREAK: 14:15 - 14:30

■ Special lecture 1: 14:30 – 15:10
[Chair: Akiyuki Taruno (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine)]

SL1: 14:30 – 15:10
Neural Mechanisms for Taste Learning
Arianna Maffei (Stony Brook University, USA)

BREAK: 15:10 - 15:20

■ Session 2: Peripheral Taste: 15:20 – 17:00
[Chair: Satoshi Wakisaka (Kansai Women’s College), Ken Iwatsuki (Tokyo University of Agriculture)]

IS2-1: 15:20 – 15:45
Primate-derived taste organoids: challenges and prospects
Ken Iwatsuki(Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan)

IS2-2: 15:45 - 16:10
Effect of decreased salivary secretion on taste preference in mice
Masataka Narukawa (Kyoto Women's University, Japan)

IS2-3: 16:10 – 16:35
The Function of Ccn3 in Type III Taste Cells of Mice
Kuanyu Wang (Okayama University, Japan)

IS2-4: 16:35 – 17:00
Channel synapses mediate protective upper airway chemoreflexes
Akiyuki Taruno (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Japan)

■ Poster session: 17:00 – 18:15

■ Bus transportation: 18:30

■ Short Talk Session and Social Gathering: 19:00 – 21:00

----- March 2nd, Sunday ----

■ Session 3: Olfaction: 9:00 – 10:40
[Chair: Masahiro Yamaguchi (Kochi University), Takeshi Imai (Kyushu University)]

IS3-1: 9:00 – 9:25
Optimized Olfactory Working Memory Paradigm to Investigate Odour Coding
Josefine Reuschenbach (OIST Graduate University, Japan)

IS3-2: 9:25 – 9:50
Granule cell odor representation plasticity induced by Top-down inputs contributes to olfactory learning in mice
Akiko Ide (Kyoto University, Japan)

IS3-3: 9:50 – 10:15
An olfactory sensitivity-modulating factor from olfactory mucosa
Stella Chapman (University of Tokyo, Japan)

IS3-4: 10:15 – 10:40
Digitizing odor for flavor design technology
Chiori Ijichi (Ajinomoto, Japan)

BREAK: 10:40 - 11:00

■ Special lecture 2: 11:00 – 11:40
[Chair: Masahiro Yamaguchi (Kochi University), Takeshi Imai (Kyushu University)]

SL2: 11:00 – 11:40
A glomerular hierarchy for olfactory discriminations
Dinu Florin Albeanu (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA)

Lunch and Poster: 11:40 - 12:40

■ Special lecture 3: 12:40 – 13:20
[Chair: Shogo Soma (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine)]

SL3: 12:40 – 13:20
Coding in the gustatory cortex: tasting the past, the present and the future
Alfredo Fontanini (Stony Brook University, USA)

BREAK: 13:20 - 13:30

■ Session 4: The 12th Asian International Symposium on Chemo-Reception and Ingestive Behavior (AISCRIB XII): 13:30 – 15:20
[Chair: Seok Jun Moon (Yonsei University), Hiroo Imai (Kyoto University)]

IS4-1: 13:30 – 14:00 (special talk)
Glia-like taste cells mediate an intercellular mode of peripheral sweet adaptation
Myunghwan Choi (Seoul National University, Korea)

IS4-2: 14:00 – 14:30 (special talk)
Preventing overeating through gut hormone GLP-1: insights from rare sugar Allulose research
Yusaku Iwasaki (Kyoto Prefectural University, Japan)

IS4-3: 14:30 – 14:55
Mediating Effect of Public Self-Consciousness on the Relationship Between Internalized Weight Stigma and Weight Status
Yuko Nakamura (University of Tokyo, Japan)

IS4-4: 14:55 – 15:20
Sugars transported by SGLT1 induced rewarding effects in chickens
Fuminori Kawabata (Hirosaki University, Japan)

BREAK: 15:20 - 15:40

■ Session 5: Neuroscience in Taste: 15:40 – 16:55
[Chair: Mamiko Ozaki (Kobe Univ/Nara Women’s Univ), Chizuko Inui (Osaka University)]

IS5-1: 15:40 – 16:05
The neural circuit mechanism underlying the synergistic effect between different tastes
Takaaki Ozawa (Osaka University, Japan)

IS5-2: 16:05 – 16:30
Role of GPR40 and CD36 expressed in mouse posterior tongue in fatty acid sensing
Keiko Yasumatsu (Tokyo Dental Junior College, Japan)

IS5-3: 16:30 – 16:55
Roles of glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in the lateral hypothalamus on the expression of conditioned taste aversion
Tadashi Inui (Hokkaido University, Japan)

■ Closing remarks 16:55-

Masahiro Yamaguchi (Kochi University)

■ Short talk and Poster

Melanocortin 4 signaling in the olfactory cortex in odor- guided appetitive behaviors
Md Tasnim Alam (Kochi Univ)

The functional role of feeding-related appetite-stimulating signalling molecules in the higher olfactory cortical region in mice model
Md Monjurul Ahasan (Kochi Univ)

Capsaicin enhances chorda tympani nerve and behavioral responses to sugars in mice
Shusuke Iwata (Asahi Univ)

The pattern of generalization and extinction of conditioned taste aversion (CTA) learning depend on taste quality of used conditioned stimulus
Shinpei Takahash (Asahi Univ)

Behavioral responses to sodium ascorbate in ascorbic acid-deficient rats
Toshiaki Yasuo (Asahi Univ)

Application of the Photoactivatable Cre-loxP System in Mouse Taste Research
Zuo Yu (Okayama Univ)

Exploring the neural pathway for the gustatory salivary reflex in mice
Haru Mochizuki (Okayama Univ)

Thirst Quenching Disinhibits Dehydration-Induced Anorexia via Hypothalamic AgRP Neurons
Hakyeong Kim (Korea University)

Reassessing the genetic lineage tracing of lingual Lgr5+ and Lgr6+ cells in vivo
Hyun Ji Kim (Korea University)

Generation of Taste Buds Organoids from Anterior Lingual Mucosa
Lee Min Gyeong (Korea University)

c-Kit signaling confers damage-resistance to sweet taste cells upon nerve injury
Su Young Ki (Korea University)

Multiple mechanisms of salts for sour taste in humans
Takashi Kondoh (Kindai Univ)

Effects of 5’-ribonucleotides on glutamate detection thresholds and umami taste intensity in Japanese subjects
Kana Tanaka (Kindai Univ)

Effect of taste recall training using five sweet substances on sweet taste sensitivities
Uijin Park (Tohoku Univ)

Different types of nutrients in the gut activate distinct sets of neurons in the nodose petrosal ganglion
Hikari Takeshima (Kyushu Univ)

Halogen ion-binding analysis of the ligand-binding domain of the taste receptor T1r1/T1r3 from pufferfish
Mana Nagae (Okayama Univ)

GPRC5C on pancreatic α-cells may contribute to the blood glucose regulation
Shingo Takai (Kyusshu Univ)

Baby's head volatile analysis with GCxGC-MS and sensory evaluation study
Mamiko Ozaki (Nara Women’s Univ)

Computational analysis of sodium ion permeation mechanisms in capsaicin receptor, transient receptor potential vanilloid 1
Yuki Nagasato (Kyushu Univ)