The latest COVID-19 guidelines
Japanese ver. is here
Japan has formally decided to downgrade the classification of COVID-19 under the Infectious Diseases Control Law to Category V, same as seasonal flu, on May 8, 2023.
We will be shifting from a system in which COVID-19 measures are based on government requests to a system continuing individuals' basic precautionary measures depending on the situation.
1.Surgical masks
Surgical masks using is up to the individuals to decide. However, as per the professor’s or staff’s decision, it is necessary to wear a surgical mask, you should follow them.
In situations the surgical masks seem effective such as visiting places, where people at high risk of serious illness gather, for practical training, it is recommended that you should wear a surgical mask.
Please try to not talk while eating.
3.Washing hands and Ventilation
Please continue them since they are effective for basic infection measures based on COVID-19 characteristic.
4.Physical distancing
During epidemic, it is effective to avoid places where many people are crowded and to avoid conversation in close distance for infection measures.
5.Preparation for coming down with a cold
It is good idea to prepare a COVID-19 rapid antigen test kit approved by the Japanese government, antipyretics, food, drinks and etc.
6.Healthy daily life
It’s important to effort on the appropriate lifestyle, including exercise, diet and etc. depend on the health condition. Let’s try to exercise moderately and to eat well-balanced meals.
If you are experiencing any of cold symptoms;
・Check your symptoms and regular medicines at home.
・Get tested At-Home COVID-19 rapid antigen kit.
・If your COVID-19 test is “Positive”, you have to;
Recuperate at home to recover from COVID-19 if you have only mild symptoms.
Learn more about “If you infected” and “flowchart for people with possible COVID-19” of Okayama University.
・If your COVID-19 test is “Negative”, you should;
Stay at home as much as possible until symptoms to go away. Please continue basic infection measures such as wearing masks, washing hands and etc.
If you are very sick or you feel anxious, please contact clinics or hospitals and see a doctor.
If you don’t know what you should do, please contact the Health Service Center.
TEL: 086-251-7217
E-mail: hokekan1◎ (Please replace ◎ with @.)
When you go to clinics and hospitals, you should;
・Call them before you go.
・Go to see primary doctor in consultation hour as much as possible you can.
・Avoid spreading COVID-19 by taking infection measures (Not only when you go to clinics but also go to pharmacy and elderly care facilities).
If you infected with COVID-19, you should;
・Call your department.
Based on the School Health and Safety Act, attendance is suspended until five days have passed after the onset of symptoms and until one day has passed after symptoms have abated.
Students: Classes will be treated official absences.
Learn more about “official absences for COVID-19” on the university website.
Staffs and Faculty: You will take paid leave or sick leave.
・Refrain from going outside for 5 days after the onset of the disease with the day of symptom onset as day 0. The risk of infecting others is particularly high during 5 days after the onset of symptoms.
・Refrain from going outside until 24 hours passed after symptoms have abated (e.g. fever has decreased. Cough and sore throat have abated.), if the symptoms still remain even though 5 days have passed.
・Corona virus may be shedding for 10 days with the day of symptom onset as day 0. Please wear non-woven masks and avoid contact with people at high risk of serious illness, such as elderly until 10 days have passed in order to avoid spread of COVID-19.
Health Service Center
hokekan1◎ (Please replace ◎ with @.)