Faculty of Agriculture | Okayama University


CALL FOR JAPANESE GOVERNMENT (MONBUKAGAKUSHO) SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS (Preliminary Education in Oct. 2021 and Undergraduate Admission in April 2022)

March 08, 2021

Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University has been approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to award "MONBUKAGAKUSHO Scholarships in FY 2021(Special Admissions for Undergraduate Students)" for Global Agriscience Program (GAP) for human resources, contributing to sustainable development goals (SDG). We start preliminary education for 6 months from October in 2021, followed by 4-year undergraduate courses. This program focuses on development of human resources with wide knowledge and wisdom, based on SDGs spirit ensuring environment conservation, for food supply for Asian and Africa area where food demand has been increasing. Lectures are given by Japanese in most part. In this human development program, oversea and Japan students cooperate and compete with each other in practical lecture work, seminar, research and internship.

Preliminary education: 6 months starting in October 2021 as a research student of GAP. Improve Japanese skill basic scientific performance and prepare for entrance exam.

Education: 4 years starting in April in 2022. 
The GAP course emphasizes hands-on social collaboration and experience-based lectures, including Internship, Introduction to International Agricultural Science, and Mathematical Data Science. GAP course students major in one of the following courses: Agrochemical Bioscience, Applied Plant Science, Applied Animal Science, or Environmental Ecology, to enhance their specialized skills and accumulate applied and practical performance through overseas practical training and graduation thesis research. After graduation, GAP course students are encouraged to go on to graduate school to become advanced international human resources.
Education is conducted by lectures mainly in Japanese and English in part.

Outline of Faculty of Agriculture :
Introduction Movie:

1.Qualifications and Conditions
In order to nurture human resources who can act as a link between their home country and Japan, and contribute to world’s development through the education in Japan, MEXT is now accepting applications from overseas students. Applicants must apply to Candidate Selection of Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship (for Global Agriscience Program preliminary education in Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University).

(1) Target Students: Academically outstanding students coming from foreign countries who will become regular undergraduate students.
① If you pass the entrance exam, you must be sure to enroll in Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
② The GPA (Grade Point Average:1-3 scale) for the last academic record is 2.30 or more, and it is expected to maintain it even during the scholarship period. Currently, working adult has Grade Point Average (GPA) of the final academic background, or current student has GPA of 2.30 or higher, and they are expected to maintain this even during the scholarship period. In addition, applicants must satisfy the following (7) Language Requirements.
③ If GPA cannot be calculated, the applicants will be considered to have an academic record equivalent to a GPA of 2.30 or higher only if they are considered to be within the top 30% of their academic rank at their home high school, university, or faculty based on a "formal letter from the dean of their home high school, university, or faculty". Therefore, when recommending a person whose GPA cannot be calculated, a copy of the above "letter" should be submitted.
*Academic performance coefficient: The grade point average of the total number of registered credits after evaluating the applicants’ grades on four levels ("3," "2," "1," and "0").

(2) Target Countries: Asian countries, including mainly ASEAN countries, and African countries

(3) Nationality: Applicants must have the nationality of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan. Applicants who have Japanese nationality at the time of application is not eligible. However, persons with dual nationality who hold Japanese nationality and whose place of residence at the time of application is outside of Japan are eligible to apply as long as they choose the nationality of the foreign country and give up their Japanese nationality by the date of their arrival in Japan.

(4) Number of Students to be admitted: Four

(5) Age: Applicants must have been born after April 2, 1996. Exceptions can only be considered if MEXT determines that the applicant was unable to apply at the time of eligibility due to the system or circumstances of the country of nationality (military service obligation, loss of educational opportunities due to war, etc.). Personal circumstances (financial situation, family situation, health condition, circumstances of the university or employer, etc.) are not acceptable at all.

(6) Academic Background: Applicants who will meet the following qualifications by September 2021 are eligible.
① Applicants must have completed 12 years of regular school education.
② Applicants must have graduated from a school equivalent to an upper secondary school in Japan.
③ Those who qualify for universities in Japan due to qualifications other than the above.

(7) Language Requirements: Applicants must meet one of the following requirements for proficiency in Japanese. Applicants who have level of English performance below is highly welcomed.
① Applicants who have at least N2 level of Japanese Language Proficiency Test(JLPT) by the start of regular course ( at start of preliminary education, applicants who have not had the certificate could be accepted).
② Applicants who is judged by Okayama University to have the Japanese ability equal or greater than ①.

① Applicants who have B1 level of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) or higher.
② Applicants completed the curriculum which meets the entrance qualifications of Okayama University in English as the main language.
③ Applicants who is judged by Okayama University to have the English ability equal or greater than ①.

(8) Health: Applicants are inferred to be free from any mental and physical disabilities for studying in Japan by Okayama University.

(9) Arrival date in Japan: In principle, applicants arrive in Japan between the September 27th and October 8th, 2021. The departure date from applicants’ country of residence should also be September 27 or later.

(10) Visa Requirement:
Applicants shall, in principle, newly obtain a “Student” visa at the Japanese diplomatic mission located in the applicant’s country of nationality, and enter Japan with the residence status of “Student.” Accordingly, even if the applicant already have other residence status (“Permanent resident,” “Long-term resident,” etc.), the applicant must change it to the “Student” status and re-enter Japan. Moreover, the applicant should be aware that after expiration of the status as a MEXT Scholarship student and even if the student again applies for their original resident status of “Permanent resident” or “Long-term resident,” such resident statuses might not be necessarily granted. The applicant should also be aware that the scholarship will be cancelled if he/she arrived in Japan without a newly obtained “Student” visa.

(11) Exclusions: The following persons are not eligible for the scholarship. If they are found out after being selected as a scholarship student, he/she must withdraw from the scholarship:
① Those who are active military personnel or military civilian employees at the time of their arrival in Japan:
② Those who are unable to arrive in Japan during the period designated by Okayama University:
③ Those who are previous grantees of Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship programs (including those who withdraw from the scholarship program after the arrival in Japan). The MEXT Honors Scholarship is not included in the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship programs:
④ Those who are currently also applying to another program (Research Students, College of Technology Students, Specialized Training College Students programs) under the Japanese Government (MEXT) scholarship system:
⑤ Those who are already enrolled in a Japanese university with a residence status of “Student,” or who are enrolled, or plan to be enrolled, in a Japanese university as a privately-financed international student from the time of application to the MEXT scholarship program in the applicant’s country until the commencement of the period of the MEXT scholarship. However, this stipulation does not apply to those who, even though they are currently studying as a privately-financed international student in Japan, verifiably complete their studies within the end of the fiscal year and return to their home country:
⑥ Those who are planning to receive scholarships from an organization other than MEXT (including a government organization of the applicant’s country) on top of the scholarships provided by MEXT after the arrival in Japan:
⑦ Applicants who are expected to graduate at the time of application and do not meet the qualifications and requirements related to academic background by the deadline:
⑧ Those who have dual nationality at the time of application and cannot prove that they have given up Japanese nationality by the time of the arrival in Japan
⑨ Those who are planning to be absence for a long time period due to internship, research activities and so on from the time of application.

(12) Others: MEXT Scholarship will be granted those who are willing to contribute to mutual understanding between Japan and their home country by participating in activities at schools and communities during their study in Japan while contributing to the internationalization of Japan. They shall also make efforts to promote relations between the home country and Japan by maintaining close relations with the university attended after graduation, cooperating with the conducting of surveys and questionnaires, and cooperating with relevant projects and events conducted by Japanese diplomatic missions after they return to their home countries.

2. Screening standard for scholarship of GAP preliminary education
① Excellent academic score in high school or its equivalent
② Japanese: N2 level (JLPT)or its equivalent at preliminary education, N1 is desirable at undergraduate course
③ Applicants from area except in the table in below URL can be accepted in small number.

3. Period of Scholarship
The scholarship period is effective for total education period (four and a half years).

4. Scholarship Benefits
(1) Allowance: 117,000 yen per month. The scholarship is cancelled in principle if the recipient is absent from the university or preparatory Japanese-teaching institution for an extended period. In case that the recipient research in a designated region, 2,000 or 3,000 yen per month will be added. The monetary amount each year may be subject to change due to budgetary reasons.
(2) Traveling Costs
1. Transportation to Japan: The recipient will be provided with funds, according to his/her itinerary and route as designated by MEXT or Okayama University, with an economy-class airplane ticket from the nearest international airport to his/her home residence* to International Airport or another that Okayama University designates. Expenses such as inland transportation from his/her home address to the international airport, airport tax, airport usage fees, special taxes on travel, or inland transportation within Japan (including transit expense) will NOT be covered. (*The home country address stated in the application form is regarded as the recipient’s “home residence”. But if it is clear the address when the recipient arrived at Japan to be difference from present address, changed address is regarded.).
2. Transportation from Japan: The recipient who returns to his/her home country within the fixed period after the expiration of his/her scholarship will be provided upon application, with an economy-class airplane ticket for travel from the nearest international airport. Note 1: Travel insurance to and from Japan shall be paid for by the recipient. Note 2: If a grantee continues to stay in Japan after the scholarship period has ended, he/she will not be paid travel expenses to return to the home country for a temporary return.

5. Scholarship Payment Suspension Matters
The scholarship will be also cancelled in principle in the following situations. If the recipient has been receiving the scholarship despite his/her falling under any of the following situations, the recipient will be ordered to return the amount of scholarship that he/she received during the period wherein he/she was involved with any of the following situations:
① The recipient is determined to have made a false statement on his/her application.
② The recipient violates any article of his/her pledge to MEXT;
③ The recipient violates any Japanese laws and is sentenced to imprisonment with or without work for life or for a period of exceeding 1 year;
④ The recipient is subject to disciplinary action by the university, including expulsion (The scholarship payment may be stopped during the period up until punishment is decided by the university, etc.);
⑤ It has been determined that it will be impossible for the recipient to complete the course within the standard course period because of poor academic grades or suspension or leave of absence;
⑥ The recipient’s residence status has changed to one other than “Student”;
⑦ The recipient has received a scholarship from another institution (excluding those specified for research expenditures);
⑧ The recipient has proceeded to a higher level of education without receiving approval for an extension of the period of the scholarship.
⑨ When the student has withdrawn from Okayama University or has moved to another university or college.
⑩ It is necessary for recipient to keep GPA more than 2.30 at each end of the year.

6. Admission and tuition Fees
Admission and tuition fees will be paid by Okayama University.

7. Contact for inquiry
Instruction and Student Section, Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
 [email protected]
Please use Japanese for inquiry, as possible as you can.

TEL: +81-251-8286, 8287 (Japanese only)

8. Other
In addition to 4 Japanese government scholars, Global Agriscience Program will accept 4 privately-financed international students. Privately financed international students will be selected through the Special Selection for Privately Financed International Students 2022 (conducted in February 2022).