国立大学法人 岡山大学


台風第10号により、暴風警報又は特別警報が発表された場合の休講について【IMPORTANT】Possible Class Cancellation Due to Typhoon #10



・昼間開講(1限~8限 ※90分で授業を行っている大学院は1限~5限)






TEL: 086-251-8424

To students of Okayama University

Although it is during the summer vacation period, Typhoon No. 10 is expected to approach the area through the end of this week.
When a storm warning or special warning is issued in the area of the target campus (Note 1), Cancellation of face-to-face classes and online classes will be handled as follows.

【Face-to-face Classes】
・Day-time classes(1 period through 8 period classes ※1 period through 5 period classes in graduate school doing a lecture in 90 minutes)
⇒If a storm warning or special warning is issued between 6:00 a.m. and 8:40 a.m. on the same day, all classes will be cancelled.
・Night-time classes (9 and 10 period classes)
⇒If a storm warning or special warning is issued between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on the same day, all classes will be cancelled.

※If a storm warning is issued after classes have started, all classes from the following period will be cancelled. If a special warning is issued, all classes will be cancelled immediately.
※Even if a warning is announced once and then lifted, classes will be cancelled.
※No extra-curriculum activities are permitted.

【Online classes】
In principle, classes are not cancelled.
※However, there may be cases where a course is cancelled at the discretion of the teacher in charge, so please check Moodle or other means to see if your teacher has notified you that the course has been cancelled.

Due to the typhoon, some classes may have been changed from face-to-face to online, so please follow the instructions of your course instructor and the Faculty Academic Affairs.
Depending on circumstances such as the course of the typhoon, we may contact you urgently, so please pay attention to information from the university mail and web.
Even if no targeted alerts issued and classes are to be held as planned, please assure your safety first, considering weather, transportation etc.

(Note 1): Campus to be affected by a warning
- Tsushima, Shikata and other campuses of Okayama University in Okayama
- Campuses of the University in Tamano and Setouchi
- Campus of the University in Kurashiki
- Campus of the University in Misasa-cho, Tottori Prefecture

Reference URL:

Education support Group, Student Affairs Planning Division, Student, Affairs Department
Phone: 086-251-8424
