Okayama University


Educational Policy of School of Law (Professional Degree Course)

Fundamental Educational Goals

The School of Law sets forth its philosophy of “serving the community and nurturing jurists rooted in the community.” Our goal is to cultivate jurists with advanced systematic legal knowledge and practical legal application skills, underpinned by an ethical sensibility and human rights awareness suitable for advanced professional individuals in the field of law.

Exemplary Students

Advanced professional individuals who lead society by discovering new challenges and utilizing their expertise

We aim to nurture jurists as advanced professional individuals who are capable of implementing the following, backed by an ethical sensibility and human rights awareness suitable for jurists, and holding advanced systematic legal knowledge and practical legal application skills:
1. Individuals who have mastered systematic legal theories and specialized knowledge in fundamental legal fields and are able to identify issues and practically resolve specific disputes (Specialized Ability and Implementation Ability)
2. Individuals who can effectively utilize their culture and deep insight to uphold the ethical sensibility and human rights awareness suitable for jurists, contributing to the protection of human rights and the realization of social justice (Liberal Arts Ability and Insightful Ability)
3. Individuals who can discover regional issues and contribute to an accurate resolution, and to the community through their research abilities in new legal fields and issues, and their ability to communicate with a diverse range of stakeholders (Inquiry Ability and Communication Ability)

We will foster individuals to develop the following five abilities:
【Specialized Ability】Mastery of systematic legal theories and specialized
【Implementation Ability】Ability to practically apply the law
【Inquiry Ability】Inquiry ability for new legal fields and legal issues
【Liberal Arts Ability and Insightful Ability】Liberal arts ability and insightful
ability to support the ethical sensibility and human rights awareness
suitable for jurists
【Communication Ability】Communication ability to collaborate with various
stakeholders towards problem solving.

Degree Policy

The School of Law program at Okayama University awards degrees to students who have studied for the prescribed period of time, acquired the following competencies and earned the credits required for graduation in order to develop exemplary students.

Abilities acquired: Specialized Ability, Implementation Ability, Inquiry Ability, Liberal Arts Ability and Insightful Ability, and Communication Ability

【Specialized Ability】Mastery of systematic legal theories and specialized

The ability to derive answers based on systematic legal theories and specialized knowledge in fundamental legal fields

【Implementation Ability】Ability to practically apply the law

The ability to identify problems in specific disputes and practically resolve cases

【Inquiry Ability】Inquiry ability for new legal fields and legal issues

The ability to identify unresolved issues and explore solutions

【Liberal Arts Ability and Insightful Ability】Liberal arts ability and insightful ability to support the ethical sensibility and human rights awareness suitable for jurists

The ability to effectively utilize culture and deep insight to contribute to the protection of human rights and the realization of social justice

【Communication Ability】Communication ability to collaborate with various stakeholders towards problem solving

The ability to build good relationships and collaborate with various stakeholders in resolving issues arising in the community

Curriculum Policy

In order to cultivate individuals who have acquired the skills set forth in the Degree Policy, the School of Law formulates and implements an educational curriculum based on the following policies and concepts.

Education Implementation Policy

We offer education that nurtures students' ability to take the initiative and continue learning towards the practice of a sustainable society.

Approach to Educational Content, Method, and Evaluation

From the perspective of autonomous, dialogic, and deep learning, we prioritize what students “have become capable of” over “what we have taught”, and provide the following educational content, methods, and evaluation.

【Curriculum Formulation】

To cultivate the five abilities (Specialized Ability, Implementation Ability, Inquiry Ability, Liberal Arts Ability and Insightful Ability, Communication Ability) indicated in the Degree Policy, we structure a curriculum consisting of Basic Legal Subjects, Practical Foundation Subjects, Fundamental Legal and Adjacent Legal Subjects, and Advanced and Leading Edge Subjects. We arrange the courses in a stepwise and spiral manner so that students, who have not studied law before and those who have, can learn systematically without difficulty. Furthermore, to cultivate legal professionals with a rich sense of human rights who are rooted in the community and attentive to the socially disadvantaged, we offer courses, such as Medical/Welfare, Law and Business, and courses taught in collaboration with local businesses, administrations, and professionals in the Advanced and Leading Edge Subjects.

First year for non-law students
・Through introductory courses, we encourage entrants to engage in self-directed learning by formulating their own academic plans.
・By studying Basic Legal Subjects (fundamental courses), students strengthen the foundations of their “Specialized Ability”.
・Through studying Fundamental Legal and Adjacent Legal Subjects, students develop their “Liberal Arts Ability and Insightful Ability”.

Second year for non-law students and first year for law students
・By studying Basic Legal Subjects (core courses), students deepen their “Specialized Ability” and cultivate their “Inquiry Ability”.
・Through the Practical Foundation Subjects, students acquire “Implementation Ability” and “Communication Ability”, and simultaneously learn practical ethics and social justice concepts through legal ethics courses.
・Through studying Fundamental Legal and Adjacent Legal Subjects, students continue to foster their “Liberal Arts Ability and Insightful Ability”.
・Through studying Advanced and Leading Edge Subjects, students hone their “Inquiry Ability” and “Communication Ability”.

Third year for non-law students and second year for law students
・Through studying Basic Legal Subjects (core courses), students complete their “Specialized Ability” and acquire their “Inquiry Ability”.
・Through Practical Foundation Subjects, students finalize their “Implementation Ability” and “Communication Ability”.
・Through studying Advanced and Leading Edge Subjects, students acquire their “Inquiry Ability” and “Communication Ability”.

【Autonomous Study Plan】

For students who wish to take the bar examination while enrolled, we provide a curriculum that allows them to take the examination during their studies, in accordance with the above-mentioned step-by-step and systematic learning process. Including the option of taking the bar examination while enrolled, we offer guidance through various means to enable students to formulate their own learning plans.

【Enrichment of Active Learning】

Aiming to bridge the theory and practice of law, we conduct small-scale detailed classes so that students can systematically acquire professional knowledge and foster practical legal application skills, comprehensive judgment skills, and critical thinking abilities. Through bi-directional and multi-directional classes, we strive to enhance each student's independent and active learning. We provide detailed instructions for pre-class preparation and post-class review, regularly check students' understanding, and provide follow-up support, such as answering questions and guiding reports after class.

【Grading Methods】

Reflecting the purpose of organizing and implementing these educational programs, and considering the content that law school students should minimally master, we conduct evaluations for each subject's learning achievements based on a ratio of 50% process evaluation and 50% final exam. We perform strict grade evaluations, considering scores of 70 and above as passing.

Approach to Quality Assurance of Education

To ensure the quality of education, we strive for continuous improvement and establish an FD Council, which conducts class evaluations, inspections of educational content and methods, and self-evaluations, including the verification of grading results.

Extracurricular Education Policy

We provide extracurricular opportunities for students to experience their own growth beyond what they learn in class.

Admission Policy

School of Law (Professional Degree Course)