Okayama University


Educational Policy of Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems (Doctor's Course)

Fundamental Educational Goals

The Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems (Doctor's Course) is committed to developing individuals who will contribute to the construction of better health systems. Health systems refer to a broad range of people, objects, and mechanisms related to human and societal health, including the fields of medicine and care. Through dialogue and discussion with others, our students develop the ability to discern the intrinsic challenges of health systems and to deepen their expertise while understanding and leading collaborations in other fields. Our education aims to develop internationally-minded individuals who possess the high-level skills and personal qualities needed to contribute to problem-solving and lead innovation in health systems.

Exemplary Students

Pioneers using their expertise to support the foundations of international health systems

Our fundamental objective of education, where students “deepen their expertise while understanding and leading collaboration in other fields,” is seen as Specialized Ability. To “discern the intrinsic challenges of health systems and reveal them,” is perceived as Inquiry Ability. To “lead collaboration through dialogue and discussion with others,” is viewed as Communication Ability. To “deepen their knowledge from a broad range of learning,” is considered Liberal Arts Ability. Finally, to “collaboratively create objects and ideas used for problem-solving,” is defined as Implementation Ability. Based on the philosophy and objectives of the Graduate School, we aim to develop “pioneers using their expertise to support the foundations of international health systems.”

We will foster individuals to develop the following five abilities:
○ Implementation ability to collaborate with others in generating ideas utilized for problem-solving
○ Inquiry ability to discern and highlight the challenges inherent in health systems
○ Communication ability to lead extensive collaboration through dialogue and discussions with others
○ Specialized ability to deepen one's expertise while understanding other fields and leading in collaboration and integration (interdisciplinary sciences)
○ Liberal Arts ability to deepen one's knowledge from a wide range of learning.

Degree Policy

The Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems (Doctor's Course) at Okayama University awards degrees to students who have studied for the prescribed period of time, acquired the following competences and earned the credits required for graduation in order to develop exemplary students.

Abilities acquired: Implementation Ability, Inquiry Ability, Communication Ability, Specialized Ability, and Liberal Arts Ability.

【Implementation Ability】Implementation ability to collaboratively create objects and ideas used for problem-solving.

Students will be able to deeply understand various difficulties and challenges in health systems, create solutions, and widely disseminate them in society.

【Inquiry Ability】Inquiry ability l to discern and reveal the intrinsic challenges of health systems.

From a unique perspective based on one's specialty and the viewpoint and methods of other specialties, students will be able to creatively discern issues from both the physical and internal human aspects and convey their knowledge to society.

【Communication Ability】Communication ability to extensively lead collaboration through dialogue and discussions with others.

Students will be able to build reciprocal relationships with others, contribute to problem-solving by leading collaboration and creating new objects and ideas.

【Specialized Ability】The expertise to deepen one's specialized knowledge while understanding and leading collaboration and integration in other fields.

Students will be able to apply their own specialized knowledge and skills, learn from the viewpoint and methods of other specialties, integrate them, and creatively solve various societal challenges.

【Liberal Arts Ability】The ability to deepen one's knowledge from a broad range of learning.

Students will be able to learn from diverse values, deepen their knowledge, and improve their abilities under any circumstances.

Curriculum Policy

To cultivate individuals who have acquired the skills outlined in the degree conferral and degree awarding policy (degree policy), we organize and implement our curriculum based on the following principles and ideas as a graduate school.

Education Implementation Policy

We implement education that fosters students' ability to independently continue learning towards the practice of a sustainable society.

Education Principles

From the perspective of independent, dialogic, and deep learning, we emphasize not what we have taught, but what students have become capable of doing, offering the following educational content.

【General Education】

The program aims to develop generic skills required by all students, by providing practical activities that allow students to learn, grow, and create together.

We offer a curriculum that allows students to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to collaboratively analyze the issues inherent in health systems from various perspectives with diverse individuals, which can lead to innovative solutions. Additionally, we cultivate the skills to convey problems and solutions identified in simple language to society.

【Specialized Education】

We provide opportunities for a deep understanding through systematic provision of content in specialized fields and the integration or creation of knowledge in different specialized fields.

We offer a curriculum that deepens systematic knowledge and skills in the student’s own specialized field, describes issues from a professional standpoint, and creates solutions with social implementation in mind.

【Language Education】

We provide education to enhance English skills required in a global society.

We encourage opportunities to present and interact about research activities, not only in Japanese but also in English at academic meetings and other venues.

Educational Methods

We deliver the aforementioned educational content using the following methods:

(1) We use educational methods that allow students to actively expand their potential.
Through the two groups of university-wide general education and the graduate school core 'Integrated Subjects', we deepen the understanding of others and learn about the concepts and methodologies of Health System Integrated Science (“Advanced Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences and Engineering”). We cultivate the knowledge and skills necessary for practical innovation cycle activities through applied practices (such as “Advanced Internship for Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences and Engineering”). We also understand the situation and issues related to health systems to improve communication ability and foster ethical sensibility. In addition, as part of the research work, students undertake special research by utilizing the knowledge and skills learned in their coursework to support the foundation of innovation. In the “Special Subjects” group, by selecting and taking lectures on cutting-edge science and advanced technology related to their own specialties, students will be able to apply their professional knowledge and technology to solve on-site problems, understand problems and needs from the standpoint of their own specialties, and aim to improve their abilities as experts who can practice research and development with a view to social implementation.
In doctoral research work, students tackle research issues, achieve academic results with a view to social implementation. Through presentations at academic meetings and symposiums in Japan and abroad, and through writing academic journal papers, students will be able to contribute to problem-solving by demonstrating their own policies as independent researchers and technicians, and to support the foundation of innovation through research and technological development.

(2) We provide an educational system that takes advantage of the characteristics of a comprehensive university.
While deepening the student’s own specialty, they will encounter various specialties, allowing them to understand diverse perspectives. They will learn to collaborate, think together about various issues inherent in the health system, create measures to solve these issues together, and provide an educational system that grows together.

(3) We provide a practical education program that responds to the growth of students.
We offer practical education programs such as “Advanced Internship for Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences and Engineering,” “Presentation at International Conference A・B,” and short and long-term “International Internship,” which connect with real-world learning inside and outside the school, both domestically and internationally.

Academic Performance Evaluation Policy

We implement academic evaluations based on the following considerations:

(1) Evaluation of understanding of various difficulties and challenges in the health system
The understanding of various difficulties and challenges in the health system is evaluated through reports in the “Advanced Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences and Engineering” and two practical subjects. Students are also evaluated at the mid-term review meeting for doctoral research by giving an explanation of the relevance of their own research on the issues of the health system.

(2) Evaluation of understanding of the integrated science approach and acquisition of specialized knowledge
Students are evaluated by submitting reports on their understanding of the integrated science approach in the “Advanced Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences and Engineering” and on their knowledge of their specialization contributing to problem solving, along with their attitude toward attendance. Furthermore, at the mid-term review and degree review meetings for doctoral research, students are evaluated by giving presentations on their possession of specialized knowledge of their doctoral thesis, in addition to Q&A sessions.

(3) Evaluation of understanding of humanity and material aspects, and the ability to create in collaboration with others
Students are evaluated by submitting reports on whether they have grasped an understanding of humanity and material aspects through learning in the “Advanced Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences and Engineering” and two practical subjects in the integrated subjects. The degree of understanding of humanity and material aspects is also evaluated through reports in specialized subjects and attitudes toward attendance.

(4) Evaluation of independent problem-solving ability and innovation ability
Students are evaluated by giving presentations with Q&A sessions on whether they are equipped with independent problem-solving ability and innovation ability. The presentations are conducted at the mid-term review meeting and review meeting for doctoral research.

Extracurricular Education Policy

We provide extracurricular opportunities for students to experience their own growth beyond classroom learning, such as participation in academic exchanges at public symposia and academic meetings in Japan and abroad.

Admission Policy

Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems (Doctor's Course)