Educational Policy of Graduate School of Health Sciences (Master's Course) (Genome Medical Scientist Course)
Fundamental Educational Goals
In the Genome Medical Scientist Training Program, we place a great emphasis on fulfilling our most significant mission requested by society: enriching educational activities. Building upon the achievements of advanced research activities thus far, we develop students' ability to actively participate in the “creation of knowledge.” Through close dialogue and discussions between students and faculty, we support each individual in developing themselves to their fullest capacity. Our educational aim is to foster individuals equipped with a wide range of capabilities and character, capable of playing a central role in various fields, both domestically and internationally, mainly in medical care.
Exemplary Students
Advanced professionals with foundational research abilities who can work internationally through “holistic care” and “team care” for the implementation and establishment of health promotion
The Genome Medical Scientist Training Program sets “the practice and establishment of health promotion” as our goal philosophy. To achieve this goal, we establish “holistic care” and “team care” as our educational philosophy, train advanced professionals, cultivate basic research skills that can contribute to the establishment of expertise, and respond to societal demands.
Specifically, we will foster individuals to develop the following five abilities:
○ Implementation Ability: To connect with the world, recognize different values, and lead to the resolution of genomic medicine issues for holistic and advanced health and medical care.
○ Inquiry Ability: To possess fundamental research skills and approach the issues of genomic medicine logically and from multiple perspectives.
○ Communication Ability: To be able to collaborate with others as a core member of the health and medical care team.
○ Specialized Ability: To integrate advanced knowledge and techniques of genomic medicine and contribute to the improvement of health, medical care, and welfare.
○ Liberal Arts Ability: To deepen one's knowledge from a wide range of learning opportunities and respond easily to changes in society and the environment.
Degree Policy
The Genome Medical Scientist Training Program awards degrees to students who have studied for the prescribed period of time, acquired the following competences and earned the credits required for graduation in order to develop exemplary students.
Abilities acquired: Implementation Ability, Inquiry Ability, Communication Ability, Specialized Ability, Liberal Arts Ability
【Implementation Ability】The ability to lead to the resolution of challenges in genomic medicine, by connecting with the world, recognizing different values, and aiming for comprehensive and advanced health care
These skills allow for understanding differences and initiating actions towards solving the challenges posed by genomic medicine.
They contribute to health promotion in local and international communities and facilitate the practice of comprehensive and advanced healthcare.
【Inquiry Ability】The ability to acquire foundational research skills to approach the challenges of genomic medicine in a logical and multifaceted manner.
With expertise in genomic medicine, these skills allow one to identify issues through diverse consideration and find solutions independently.
They are also able to explain the essence of an issue in a way that individuals from other areas of expertise can understand.
【Communication Ability】The ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with others as a core member of the healthcare team.
As professionals in genomic medicine, these skills facilitate mutual understanding in team-based healthcare.
They encourage smooth communication that enhances cooperative learning beyond individual expertise.
【Specialized Ability】Specialized ability integrates advanced knowledge and techniques in genomic medicine to contribute to the improvement of healthcare and welfare.
These skills include acquired knowledge and techniques related to research methodologies in histopathology and molecular pathology.
They enable a deep integration of knowledge and skills.
【Liberal Arts Ability】Liberal Arts ability deepens one's knowledge from a wide range of learning and responds readily to changes in society and the environment.
This involves being capable of gathering and analyzing information and utilizing it appropriately.
It enables finding direction and planning for the creation of one's future and of society.
It allows for growth through broad and deep learning.
Curriculum Policy
To cultivate individuals who have acquired the skills set forth in our Degree Policy, we have organized and implemented our educational curriculum based on the following policies and philosophies as part of the Genomic Medicine Scientist Training Course.
Education Implementation Policy
We implement educational policies to cultivate the ability of students to continue learning independently towards the practice of a sustainable society.
Education principles, methods, and evaluation
From the perspective of autonomous, dialogic, and deep learning, we place emphasis on what students have been able to achieve, rather than merely what they have been taught. The following educational content and methods will be provided in general education, specialized education, and language education, respectively.
【General Education】
Aiming for the development of general skills required by all students, we offer practical activities to learn together with other students to let them grow and create together.
In the Genomic Medicine Scientist Training Course, we implement an education program to fulfill the Degree Policy. The standard years of study for the Master's program is two years, during which time students are required to acquire the credits required for completion as defined in this sub-program, receive necessary research guidance, and undergo a review of their Master's thesis and a final examination.
In the first year, students in the “Introduction to Degree Program” will focus on the learner-centered studies in the degree program, outlining the personalities, learning goals, and learning outcomes to be fostered in this subprogram. Research ethics, intellectual property rights, and information security learning methods, which are essential as the foundation of research, are taught, and students learn on their own initiative. In “Leadership and SDGs,” students will learn about the SDGs, UN agencies, JICA, community challenges, business ideas, fundraising, policy making, innovation, and entrepreneurship, as ways to contribute to society and the region throughout their lives. In the common/core elective courses “Topics in Health Promotion Science” and “Topics in Medical Bioethics,” various issues are discussed, and debates and reports are evaluated. In “Risk Management,” past cases and their solutions are studied to foster highly specialized professionals who can flexibly respond to changes in society and the environment, provide comprehensive and advanced healthcare as a core member of the healthcare team, and contribute to the practice of health promotion. The “Topics in Research Methodology” course provides the latest research methods.
For Learning Evaluation, the standards and methods for grading each course will be clearly stated in advance, and learning outcomes will be rigorously evaluated based on these criteria. For Master's theses or specific issues in the graduate course, the criteria and methods for review will be clearly stated, and the final review and examination of research outcomes will be conducted. Students are required to pass the final review and examination for the Master's thesis. The final review and examination of the Master's thesis will be conducted by a review committee consisting of at least two members (however, external researchers can be invited to the committee if budget measures are possible within the same program). The chairperson of the review committee will be elected by mutual vote of the members.
【Specialized Education】
By systematically offering the content of specialized fields for deep understanding, and providing opportunities to integrate and create knowledge from different specialty areas, we cultivate highly specialized individuals.
In the first year, interdisciplinary classes and workshops provided by this sub-program are taken, and evaluations are made through reports and presentations, thus fostering professionals who can contribute to the improvement of health, medical, and welfare services through advanced expertise and skills. Through the implementation of “Thesis Research” for two years from the first year, students develop the basic ability for research and a spirit of inquiry, cultivating a lifelong self-study ability. While interacting closely with faculty, students tackle issues and receive support to compile their work into a thesis over two years. This promotes problem-solving abilities and logical thinking, along with acquiring cutting-edge knowledge and skills in their research fields. At intermediate stages, evaluations are carried out at presentations with other graduate students and faculty, ensuring understanding of the position and issues in their own research.
To nurture students with rich liberal arts and high-level expertise that spans across specialized fields, a guidance system is established where, in addition to a single main supervisor, adjunct supervisors are assigned as needed to respond quickly to student needs, and to manage the process of research.
For students who have no practical experience as working adults before or during their studies, the participation in “Internship Practice (Master)” is mandatory. This practice provides opportunities to implement the outcomes of learning through practical experience in the community.
For the “Genome Medical Scientist Training Course”, which specializes in training medical personnel, we incorporate clinical training and exercises at Okayama University Hospital, regional core hospitals, and advanced medical facilities from the first year, providing education that leads to practical application. Over two years, students acquire not only advanced specialized knowledge and skills, but also basic research abilities and the knowledge and skills that are needed outside their specialized fields. Experts in each field evaluate knowledge and skills from a clinical perspective.
By implementing the above educational curriculum, we develop individuals who, based on rich professional knowledge and skills, can provide holistic and advanced health care as the core of health care teams. They can also respond quickly to changes and challenges throughout their life, and contribute to the practice of health promotion.
This educational curriculum is continuously improved through the execution of the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle from various perspectives, including faculty development, organizational internal evaluations, external evaluations, and analysis of student course evaluation surveys. This process leads to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Regarding Learning Evaluation, we will clarify in advance the criteria and methods for grading course subjects and strictly evaluate learning outcomes based on these criteria.
【Language Education】
We provide education to improve English skills that are necessary in a global society.
We evaluate and assign credits to presentations of research results in Japan and abroad, as well as internships and research activities abroad over two years. We aim to improve presentation skills, communication skills, and debating skills, while supporting the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge in English.
Extracurricular Education Policy
We provide various extracurricular opportunities for students to experience their growth beyond the classroom.