Okayama University


Educational Policy of Graduate School of Health Sciences (Doctor's Course) (Radiological Technology / Advanced Research course)

Fundamental Educational Goals

In the Radiological Technology Science & Advanced Research course, we continually improve our educational activities, which are the most important mission requested by society. Based on the results of advanced research activities so far, we aim to foster our students’ ability to actively participate in the “creation of knowledge”, support the development of students’ individuality through close dialogue and discussions between students and faculty, aiming to provide an education that nurtures individuals with a wide range of capabilities and personalities who can play a central role in a wide range of fields, mainly in domestic and foreign medical care.

Exemplary Students

As practitioners and establishers of the promotion of good health, we aim to develop educators and researchers who can independently research and develop education programs, equipment, and technology related to health, medical care, and welfare, based on “interprofessional work”.

In the Radiological Technology Science & Advanced Research course, we set the “practice and establishment of health promotion” as our goal. To achieve this goal, we have established “Inter-Professional Work” as our educational philosophy and train educators and researchers who can independently research the development of education programs, equipment, and technology related to health, medical care, and welfare, and respond to the demands of society.

Specifically, we will foster individuals to develop the following five abilities:
○ Implementation Ability: Define issues in the practice, education, research, and personnel training of radiological technology science, utilize differences, and present new findings and solutions for the improvement of medical science and health promotion to society.
○ Inquiry Ability: Innovatively identify and disseminate the essence of issues in the practice, education, research, and personnel training of radiological technology science.
○ Communication Ability: Demonstrate leadership in the practice, education, research, and personnel training of radiological technology science.
○ Specialized Ability: Display independent research abilities, discover new findings, and create new equipment, technology, etc.
○ Liberal Arts Ability: Possess a multifaceted perspective on various values and flexible ideas, quickly respond to societal changes such as globalization, and deepen their knowledge .

Degree Policy

The Radiological Technology Science & Advanced Research course awards degrees to students who have studied for the prescribed period of time, acquired the following competences, and earned the credits required for graduation in order to develop exemplary students.

Abilities acquired: Implementation Ability, Inquiry Ability, Communication Ability, Specialized Ability, Liberal Arts Ability

【Implementation Ability】To identify issues in the practice, education, research, and personnel training of radiological technology science, utilize differences, and present new findings and solutions for the improvement of medical science and health promotion to society.

Students will be able to explain the necessity of improving medical science and promoting health in radiological technology science.
They will be able to understand and use the differences with other specialties reciprocally in dealing with the issues of radiological technology science and solve them.
In the practice, education, research, and personnel training of radiological technology science, they will be able to disseminate new findings and solutions to society throughout their lives.

【Inquiry Ability】To innovatively identify and reveal the essence of issues in the practice, education, research, and personnel training of radiological technology science.

Students will be able to use specialized knowledge of radiological technology science to discover the essence and universality of issues from their own perspective and find solutions by themselves.
They will be able to explain the discovered essence and universality in easy-to-understand terms to the wider society.

【Communication Ability】To demonstrate leadership in the practice, education, research, and personnel training of radiological technology science.

Students will be able to clearly disseminate knowledge and technology to others in the practice, education, research, and personnel training of radiological technology science.
They will be able to find and explain their roles in team medical care with the background of radiological technology science.
They will be able to discuss with others after understanding the positions, knowledge, and skills of each medical practitioner.
They will be able to build mutually beneficial relationships beyond their area of specialization through smooth communication.

【Specialized Ability】To have independent research abilities, be able to discover new findings, and be able to create equipment, technology, etc.

Students will be able to explain the knowledge and research methods as advanced professionals in radiological technology science and utilize the techniques.
They will be able to deeply integrate knowledge and skills.
They will be able to discover new findings and create equipment, technology, etc.

【Liberal Arts Ability】To have a multifaceted perspective on various values, flexible ideas, be able to quickly respond to societal changes such as globalization, and deepen one’s knowledge. 

Students will be able to collect and analyze information and use it appropriately.
They will be able to explain societal changes like globalization.
They will be able to connect learning from a wide range of values which leads to personal growth.

Curriculum Policy

The Advanced Research Course in Radiological Technology Science sets its educational curriculum and puts it into practice based on the following policies and concepts in order to foster the talents of students who have acquired the skills stated in the Degree Policy.

Education Implementation Policy

We will implement an education that nurtures students' ability to continue learning on their own towards the realization of a sustainable society.

Education principles, methods, and evaluation

From the perspective of autonomous, dialogic and deep learning, we will provide the following educational content and methods in General Education, Specialized Education, and Language Education, focusing on what the students can do rather than rote memorization.

【General Education】

We aim to develop universal skills that are commonly required of all students, providing practical activities to learn and grow together with other students.

In the Advanced Research Course in Radiological Technology Science, we implement an educational program to realize the Degree Policy. The standard duration of the doctoral program is three years, requiring the acquisition of credits stipulated in this sub-program and the necessary research guidance, satisfactory performance on an interim presentation, and the successful completion of the doctoral thesis.
In the first year’s “Introduction to Degree Program”, we outline the student-centered learning in the degree program, the profile of the person to be trained in this sub-program, the learning objectives, and the learning outcomes. In addition, the methods of learning research ethics, intellectual property rights, and information security that are necessary as the foundation for research are taught, and the students develop independent learning skills. In “Inter-Professional Work”, students from different fields and supporting faculty members collaborate over the long term to debate regional health, medical and welfare issues, and aim to explore and solve multiple health-related issues. Many of our students are working professionals, with many of them working in educational institutions and local hospitals. Through multiple assessments during the course and evaluation of the final presentation, we develop individuals who have flexible thinking and multifaceted perspectives, can respond quickly to changes in society such as globalization, contribute to the practice and establishment of health promotion, and contribute to the improvement of health, medical, and welfare education and the development of human resources in the health and medical fields.

Regarding the evaluation of learning, the standards and methods for grading each course will be clearly stated in advance, and learning outcomes will be rigorously evaluated based on these outcomes. For graduate courses, doctoral theses, and specific tasks, the evaluation standards and methods will be clearly stated, and the final examination and evaluation of research outcomes based on these will be conducted. For the doctoral thesis, an evaluation will be conducted at the interim evaluation meeting, and it is required to pass the final review and examination. In the final review and examination of the doctoral thesis, an examination committee consisting of three or more members (however, if budget is available within the program, researchers from outside the university may also be invited as committee members) will be organized and conduct the examination. The examination committee members (chairperson) are elected by mutual vote among the committee members.

【Specialized Education】

In the Specialized Education segment, we systematically offer deep comprehension of the specialized field and provide opportunities to integrate and create knowledge from various specializations.

In the first year, students are assessed through reports and presentations in the interdisciplinary classes and workshops prepared by the sub-program, helping them acquire advanced specialized knowledge. From the first year, students work closely with faculty members on their projects, and over the course of three years, they are supported in the process of developing their research into a thesis. The aim is not only to acquire advanced knowledge and technology in the research field, but also to improve problem-solving skills and logical thinking. At the halfway point, presentations and questions at the mid-term presentation meeting, which is conducted with other graduate students and faculty members, are required to ensure students understand the issues and positioning of their research. Through this process, we aim to develop individuals capable of taking on leadership roles in health science practice, education, and research, as well as those with independent research capabilities who can contribute to health, medical care, and welfare through the development of equipment and technology.

To nurture students with a varied liberal arts background and advanced specializations that transcend professional fields, in addition to a primary supervisor, associate supervisors are assigned as needed to create a guidance system that can respond appropriately to student needs and manage the research process.

For students who do not have practical experience as working professionals before or during their studies, taking the “Internship practice (Doctor)” is mandatory, and we provide opportunities to apply the results of their studies through practical experiences in the local community.
Through these education programs, we aim to foster individuals who can contribute to the development of human resources in the field of health and medical care in international society, respond quickly to changes with flexible thinking and multifaceted perspectives, take on leadership roles in the practice, education, and research of health science, and contribute to the practice and establishment of medical science and health promotion.
The established educational curriculum is subjected to the PDCA cycle from various perspectives, such as faculty development, organized internal evaluation, external evaluation, and analysis of student course evaluation questionnaires, and regular and continuous improvements towards the SDGs.
For the evaluation of learning, the grading standards and methods for courses are clearly stated in advance, and learning outcomes are strictly evaluated based on these outcomes.

【Language Education】

We provide education to improve English language skills, which are necessary for living in a global society.

Over the course of three years, we encourage presentations of research results in English at international conferences both domestically and abroad, as well as research activities and internships abroad. We aim to foster presentation skills, communication ability, and debate skills, and we encourage writing in English, learning and disseminating information in English, and developing an international perspective.

Extracurricular Education Policy

We offer various extracurricular opportunities for students to experience personal growth beyond what they learn in their classes.