Okayama University


Educational Policy of Graduate School of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology (Doctor's Course)

Fundamental Educational Goals

The Graduate School of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology will establish a student-oriented educational system and environment that emphasizes learning outcomes under the framework of “co-education and co-creation” with the local community and the world. This will build a cyclical human resource development system that is appropriate for a research university with “pioneers who continue to transform themselves proactively” and who contribute to the creation of new values and global innovations.
Based on the above fundamental educational goals of the Graduate School, the basic educational objectives of each degree program are defined as follows:

〔Degree Program in Advanced Science and Technology〕
In order to achieve the ideals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to realize a sustainable society and global environment, it is essential to also realize Society 5.0, which accelerates the expansion of innovation to create the social value required in the new era. In addition to engineering ideas, science-oriented ideas that pursue truth and beauty are needed to realize this goal. In particular, in order to realize the “creative society” that Society 5.0 aims for, it is essential to foster human resources who can solve problems with imagination and creativity in a variety of fields on a social infrastructure that integrates cyberspace and physical space brought about by the digital revolution. In particular, we will establish this degree program that integrates two fields that play a core role in science and engineering in this context: the field of mathematical information and mechanical systems and urban creation science.
Using basic knowledge and problem-solving skills from the fields of Mathematical Informatics Mechanical Systems and Urban Innovation Science, students will collaborate with researchers and engineers from around the world to build a social infrastructure that integrates physical space with cyberspace. To this end, we will train highly skilled professionals who possess both exemplary communication and leadership skills.

〔Degree Program in Innovative Chemistry〕
The challenges facing modern society, namely the realization of a low-carbon society, social transformation toward the SDGs, and the strengthening of domestic industrial competitiveness to compensate for the decline in the working population in the future, require a long-term, global perspective. To this end, it is essential to understand various phenomena at the molecular level in the field of chemistry, which is the foundation of natural science, and to realize material conversion with less burden on the environment. As a result of these requirements, this degree program has been established. The current generation of greenhouse gases and the destruction of the ozone are also large-scale chemical reactions. To solve these problems, it is necessary to utilize natural energy, and develop photovoltaic devices and artificial photosynthetic molecules. It is also important to develop environmentally purifying catalysts to remove or decompose pollutants once they have been generated.
Furthermore, the development of small molecule therapeutics for various infectious diseases and the development of environmentally friendly agrochemicals to improve food production efficiency are important issues. In this degree program, we aim to establish an academic system that contributes to the solution of these issues.

〔Degree Program in Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences〕
This degree program was established to promote the basic sciences essential for solving various issues, such as elucidating the birth and evolution of the planet deepening our fundamental understanding of life phenomena, and developing human resources who can respond flexibly and promptly to the challenges that the world faces. These challenges include population and food issues, global environmental change, and natural disasters. Through the basic disciplines of science, engineering, and agriculture solutions can be created. This degree program consists of a course model which concentrates on various phenomena occurring in the natural world and the specialized fields of earth, planets, environment, ecology, biological production, biology, and life sciences. This program will also deepen the advanced academic skills in each specialized field and cultivate the ability to solve problems through a cross-disciplinary approach that brings together and integrates academic knowledge from different fields. The courses and research in this program aim to foster human resources who can lead in solving global issues such as the SDGs and to build a new academic system that can contribute to solving these issues, through education in close cooperation and collaboration with other degree programs.

〔Degree Program in Interdisciplinary Science〕
This degree program was established to promote interdisciplinary graduate education and research guidance in the basic science fields based on multiple fundamental science disciplines and to train the next generation of world-class science researchers, engineers, and educators in a rapidly changing society. To this end, the university aims not only to deepen the conventional academic systems of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, and to advance research in specific fields further, but also to open the possibilities of new research fields beyond the boundaries of academic disciplines and create a source of scientific and technological innovation.

Exemplary Students

The doctoral program will promote the development of human resources with comprehensive abilities that “deepen” advanced academic skills in individual specialized fields and “fuse together” academic knowledge across different fields.

Human resources with a broad perspective and outstanding expertise, who can create new values with leadership and transferable skills, and practically solve global issues will be cultivated in this program.
To solve issues related to science and technology, to ensure the development and survival of life including human beings, to contribute to the revitalization of local industrial societies and the globalization of science and technology, and to realize a safe, secure, and prosperous society. This program provides students with a field of study that is not limited by boundaries. The combining of science, engineering, agricultural science, environmental studies, and social science, will provide students with the opportunity to acquire advanced academic skills in individual fields of study. The program aims to cultivate human resources who can “deepen” these skills in their respective fields of specialization and acquire comprehensive abilities by “integrating” academic knowledge from different areas.
Based on the above defined image of human resources to be trained by the graduate school, the following attributes of the human resources to be trained by each degree program are defined.

〔Degree Program in Advanced Science and Technology〕
This department trains highly skilled professionals who can build a society 5.0 in the real world by integrating cyberspace and physical space through problem-solving skills based on basic knowledge in the fields of mathematical science, information science, mechanical systems, and urban development. In particular, this course of study instructs advanced professionals who can contribute to the construction of a sustainable society based on an international perspective in addition to basic knowledge.

〔Degree Program in Innovative Chemistry〕
In order to solve the problems facing modern society, it is necessary to cultivate abilities to explore multi-scale designs from the molecular level to material creation in response to social issues, as well as the systematization of creative knowledge from the perspective of resource, and energy recycling. To this end, this degree program will foster individuals with excellent leadership, who are highly interactive, and who have practical skills that can allow them to be interdisciplinary and conduct cross-disciplinary research on their own. For this purpose, we have established a curriculum that covers a wide range of fields, from basic to applied, in chemistry and related fields.

〔Degree Program in Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences〕
The program trains researchers and university faculty members who are capable of creatively exploring knowledge and truth related to a wide range of specialized fields covering various phenomena occurring in the natural world in addition to the planets, environment, ecology, production, biology, and life science, and who are capable of deepening and systematizing this knowledge. In addition, the program cultivates advanced specialists who can solve problems with a high level of expertise and autonomous inquisitiveness.

〔Degree Program in Interdisciplinary Science〕
This degree program aims to nurture individuals who can acquire cutting-edge academic knowledge in fundamental science fields, who know a wide range of disciplines, and who can autonomously discover and solve problems related to basic science fields, especially physics, chemistry, and biology. These individuals should be able to play an active role internationally and can summarize the results of their research that is of deep academic significance conducted through their exploration.
Within our institution. We proudly offer four degree programs, that will foster individuals to develop the following five abilities:
○Implementation ability to build a better future society
○Inquiry ability to explore the systematization of creative knowledge
○Communication ability to explain concepts to society and generate outcomes
○Specialized ability to deepen and systematize knowledge
○Liberal Arts ability to apply this knowledge and disseminate it to international society

Degree Policy

In the Doctoral Program of the Graduate School of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology, degrees are awarded to students who have been enrolled in the program for the prescribed period, acquired the abilities listed below, and earned the prescribed credits.
The individual concepts of each degree program are as follows.

〔Degree Program in Advanced Science and Technology〕
The doctoral degree is awarded to those who have acquired the ability to be internationally active researchers, advanced engineers, and enlightened educators with a cross-disciplinary perspective. In other words, the degree is awarded to those who have acquired the ability to utilize cutting-edge academic knowledge in their field of specialization, analyze the state of the art academic features using information-gathering skills, independently identify and solve future problems, and summarize the results of research conducted through their exploration in an academic paper to be disseminated domestically and internationally.

〔Degree Program in Innovative Chemistry〕
The doctoral degree is awarded in this program to those who have acquired the ability to be internationally active researchers and advanced engineers. In other words, the degree is awarded to those who have acquired cutting-edge academic knowledge in their field of specialization, are well versed in knowledge and technology in fields related to their field of specialization, have acquired the ability to independently identify and solve problems related to their field of specialization, and have created their own research topic and summarized their research results in a doctoral dissertation with novel academic significance.

〔Degree Program in Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences〕
With the goal of realizing a safe, secure, and prosperous society that ensures the development and survival of life, the department deepens individual fields of specialization and integrates a wide range of academic disciplines covering the earth, planet, environment, ecology, biological production, biology, and life sciences, while providing education and research that considers the balance between advanced specialization, comprehensiveness and an interdisciplinary approach. Through these education and research activities, the university will foster researchers and highly specialized professionals to acquire deep academic knowledge and advanced expertise to meet the demands of society. The criteria for completion of courses and awarding of degrees to foster human resources are as follows.
(1) The student can engage in research and development as an independent researcher, making use of a higher level of expertise in society, and possessing a wealth of academic knowledge that forms the foundation for such activities.
(2) The doctoral dissertation is clearly and logically written based on reliable data and honest analysis.
(3) Research results are original, novel and contain valuable findings.

〔Degree Program in Interdisciplinary Science〕
The doctoral degree is awarded to those who have acquired cutting-edge academic knowledge in a fundamental academic field, and has a wide range of knowledge and technology in the same field. In addition, the doctoral candidate should have acquired the ability to independently identify and solve problems related to interdisciplinary basic science, be active internationally, and have submitted a doctoral dissertation summarizing the results of their research of deep academic significance.

Abilities acquired: Implementation Ability, Inquiry Ability, Communication Ability, Specialized Ability, and Liberal Arts Ability

【Implementation Ability】 Implementation Ability to build a better future society.

Students will acquire the latest research capabilities, and field technologies, and prove and disseminate solutions to complex problems through a transdisciplinary approach that brings together and integrates academic insights from different fields.

【Inquiry Ability】 Inquiry Ability to explore the systematization of “creative knowledge”.

The systematization of 'creative knowledge' is underpinned by deep insights into humans, society, and nature. The student will be able to identify the essence and universality and promote the search for truth while flexibly responding to changing fields of specialization.

【Communication Ability】 Communication Ability to explain to society and create results through dialogue.

Students will acquire the ability to explain concepts logically, by utilizing one's field of expertise, bring together diverse ideas, and produce results through dialogue while exercising leadership.

【Specialized Ability】 Specialized Ability to the deepening and systematization of knowledge.

Students will develop the ability to create innovative and outstanding research and technologies through the deepening of specialized fields and cross-disciplinary efforts, in addition to evaluating the linkage between such research with nature and society, leading to the systematization of a sustainable society.

【Liberal Arts Ability】 Liberal Arts Ability that can lead in an international society.

The graduate from this program will accept various values in the world, analyze diverse issues from a bird's eye view and an international perspective, create an environment for collaboration with independence, and evaluate and improve one's behavior based on ethical standards as a researcher or an advanced professional.

Curriculum Policy

This degree program aims to cultivate individuals who have acquired the competencies outlined in the Degree Policy, for the Graduate School of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology (Doctor's Course) based on the following policies and concepts.

Education Implementation Policy

The degree program implements an educational curriculum that cultivates a student's ability to continue learning independently toward the practice of a sustainable society.

Education Principles and Methods

From the perspective of autonomous, interactive, and deep learning, the priority is not what has been taught, but how students can apply what they have learned, offering the following educational content and methods in each subject:

1) In the cross-disciplinary course “Advanced Course of the Degree Program”, students are given an introduction to the doctoral program, the goals, and challenges of graduate school, research ethics, intellectual property rights, and information security. In the social and cultural subjects, course titles, such as “Advanced Course of in Innovation”, “Social Innovation”, “Organizational Behavior”, and “Strategic Management”, students learn about scientific and technological changes in response to a changing society in addition to management perspectives. These courses mainly center on acquiring the “Liberal Arts Ability” and “Specialized Ability” needed for leadership in an international society.

2) In the program-specific subjects, students acquire advanced knowledge and practical skills in each specialty area to develop their “Specialized Ability” for problem-solving, and lead in the realization of a sustainable society.

3) In the practicum, a common course in the graduate school, in addition to the cultivated “Liberal Arts” and “Specialized Abilities”, the “Dialogue Ability”: to consolidate different perspectives, the “Implementation Ability”: to build a better future society, and the “Inquiry Ability”: through problem-solving fieldwork abroad are fostered.

4) In the special seminars, in addition to one main advisor, two co-advisors are assigned, establishing a guidance system that can respond individually to the needs of each student. The seminars will foster the ability to systematize creative knowledge, in addition to obtaining “Liberal Arts Ability”, “Specialized Ability”, “Dialogue Ability”, and “Implementation Ability”.

Finally, during the degree examination, a review committee will be formed according to the standards of each degree program. Through document reviews and oral examinations, students are assessed to ensure the attainment of all of the five ability skills outlined in the Degree Policy.

Academic Performance Evaluation Policy

For the grading of coursework, the criteria, and methods will be clearly defined in advance, and academic achievements will be evaluated based on these established criteria.
For dissertations and specific assignments in the graduate course, the examination standards and methods will be specified, and the final examination and evaluation will be conducted based on these criteria. For the doctoral dissertation, students are evaluated at an interim evaluation meeting, and are required to pass the final examination and evaluation. The supervisory structure will consist of a group of at least three or more faculty members, including the main supervisor, an associate supervisor in an appropriate field based on the research content, and a course supervisor who provides advice on course planning. A degree review committee, consisting of three or more members (including possible external researchers) will be organized. Taking into account the preliminary examination results, the chair of the review committee will report the final results to the degree program meeting, which will make the final decision on whether to grant the degree.

In accordance with the curriculum policy of the graduate school, each degree develops an educational program as follows:

〔Degree Program in Advanced Science and Technology〕
This degree program actively cultivates the ability to explore and solve advanced problems in the fields of science, technology and engineering. Implementing a curriculum that nurtures researchers, advances technical abilities, and enlightens educators, this program encourages them to have active roles internationally with academic cross-disciplinary views and interdisciplinary and integrated knowledge. This knowledge not only makes students conscious of acquiring advanced information and skills but also gives them chances in each field to apply what they have learned.

〔Degree Program in Innovative Chemistry〕
This degree program nurtures creative and independent international researchers and engineers. This enables the acquisition of cutting-edge knowledge and skills in their specialized fields, and will also gain a cross-disciplinary view of academic knowledge in fields other than their own. This will develop a logical approach to problem-solving and the ability to respond flexibly and accurately to various issues.

〔Degree Program in Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences〕
Multiple learning models targeting the earth, planets, environment, ecology, biological production, biology, and life sciences have been established. The following educational curriculum will be implemented to achieve the diploma policy.
In the doctoral course, it is required to obtain atotal of 12 credits, including 1 credit for a specialized course and 2 credits for a seminar in the specialization field. In the doctoral examination, a review committee will be formed according to the standards of each major, and a document review and oral examination will be conducted.

(1) Through the cross-disciplinary compulsory doctoral course “Specialized Lecture”, faculty from other degree programs and other organizations, will teach the basics that students should have beyond their major and introduce the objectives and philosophy of this degree program, intellectual property rights, research ethics, and the pride that should be held as a scientist.
(2) Through the most advanced classes and exercises prepared by each major, students will acquire more advanced specialized knowledge and skills through discussions and debates with faculty.
(3) Students will take the initiative in dealing with problems, develop problem-solving and logical thinking skills that are internationally recognized through the execution of original research and the creation of a thesis as a result of discussions with fellow researchers.
(4) Presentation of research outcomes and internships in Japan and overseas will be credited to further improve presentation, communication, and debate skills.
(5) In order to nurture students with a rich Liberal Arts background that extends the boundaries of specialized fields, a seminar is prepared to respond to the needs of students by adding two associate supervisors to assist the one main supervisor. This doctoral process management is conducted through interim research presentations conducted in the specialized field and regular academic counseling.
Through the above education and research course of study, this doctoral program will nurture professionals with extensive specialized knowledge and the ability to explain the problems we face from various viewpoints, demonstrate leadership in building a sustainable society, and be an active internationally.

〔Degree Program in Interdisciplinary Science〕
This program provides a degree to nurture researchers, engineers, and educators who can play an active role internationally, who have strengths in multiple core academic fields through individual research projects in education and research fields that span core academic fields in basic science In addition, candidates must complete “Interdisciplinary Science Degree Program Specialized Subjects” courses , research presentations and internships according tp the career path they aim to pursue. The seminar system of main and associate supervisors in charge of guidance for a individual student’s research, will be supplemented with an academic advisor team that will be actively involved in the process and understanding of each student's learning plan.

Extracurricular Education Policy

In the Graduate School of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology, opportunities are provided for early coursework completion through the Flex BMD course. This policy not only secures time to focus on research but also enables long-term study abroad and internships among other extracurricular activities without causing a delay in the student's academic progress. Furthermore, we leverage our online learning system to provide a structure that allows students to learn from anywhere in the world, thereby supporting their proactive initiatives.

Admission Policy

Graduate School of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology (Doctor's Course)