Okayama University


Educational Policy of Graduate School of Education (Professional Degree Course)

Fundamental Educational Goals

The Graduate School of Education (MEd in Teaching and School Leadership) seeks to develop advanced practical education and leadership skills to contribute to local schools and communities. We do this by exploring various sciences related to the field of education, and by looking at diverse concepts associated with education and society. Through discussion and collaboration among students, faculty, schools, and local communities, we support the growth of each individual into a well-rounded educator. We aim to foster talented people who are equipped with the leadership skills and personal character needed to play instructive roles in education and society.

Exemplary Students

Teachers as action researchers who are committed to ongoing improvements of educational practices

Based on Okayama University's “fundamental objectives of education” and “vision for nurturing talent”, our graduate school aims to produce educators who possess high-level practical leadership skills and broad perspectives in teaching and in life, through specialized knowledge in education.

 We foster development of the following five abilities:
○Implementation Ability to address challenges in school education and contribute to its improvement and reform
○Inquiry Ability to identify educational issues among children, schools, and communities, and to address them in a logical manner using various approaches and techniques
○Communication Ability to share educational concepts and work in collaboration with others
○Specialized Ability to take on increased leadership roles as one's career progresses, to solve educational issues, and to carry out improvements and transformations in teaching and guidance
○Liberal Arts Ability to make judgments on educational matters with a sense of ethics and morality.

Degree Policy

The Graduate School of Education (MEd in Teaching and School Leadership) at Okayama University awards degrees to students who have studied for the prescribed term, acquired the following competencies, and earned the credits required for graduation in order to develop exemplary students.

Abilities acquired: Implementation Ability, Inquiry Ability, Communication Ability, Specialized Ability, and Liberal Arts Ability

【Implementation Ability】 The ability to address challenges in education and contribute to school improvement and reform

・Students can identify, evaluate and solve issues using their professional training.
・They can participate in collaboration and organization within and outside the school as leaders for the purpose of resolving problems in education.
・They can contribute to the implementation of educational practices in schools and local communities.

【Inquiry Ability】 The ability to identify educational issues in children, schools, and communities, and to address them in a logical manner using various approaches and techniques

・Students can identify meaningful and appropriate educational practices, based on the actual conditions of children in target schools, through considering a wide spectrum of approaches, looking toward development and educational goals.
・They can comprehensively and flexibly understand school activities, and explain the essence of educational practices so that others can understand.

【Communication Ability】 The ability to share educational concepts and collaborate with others

・Students can interact with colleagues and stakeholders at different stages of professional development, sharing different viewpoints and ways of thinking about educational concepts.
・They can cooperate with colleagues and stakeholders, and propose appropriate methodologies for solving educational issues.

【Specialized Ability】 The ability to take on increased leadership roles as one’s career progresses, to solve educational issues, and to carry out improvements and adjustments in teaching and guidance

・Students can master their development as teachers through the integration of theory and practice, and can properly analyze and address problems at schools and in the community.
・They can respond promptly to educational issues in schools, utilizing knowledge of their specialized field and their skills in teaching, school management, student guidance, etc.

【Liberal Arts Ability】 The ability to make decisions on educational matters with a sense of ethics and morality

・Students can maintain a consciousness of educational problems that occur in schools and local communities, can refine their judgment based on universal standards and norms, and can continue to learn themselves as they teach children.

Curriculum Policy

In order to develop human resources who have mastered the skills which are set out in our Degree Policy, the Graduate School of Education (MEd in Teaching and School Leadership) organizes and implements educational programs based on the following principles and perspectives.

Education Implementation Policy

Our program cultivates the ability of students to learn actively and independently to work toward the realization of a sustainable society.

Education Principles

Through autonomous, collaborative, and deep learning, we focus on what students are capable of doing, rather than just what is taught to them. Based on this, we provide the following educational content.

【General Education】

We provide practical learning opportunities for both graduate students fresh from their undergraduate programs and in-service teachers continuing their professional development. We develop advanced practical education and leadership skills, fostering educational Implementation Ability according to their respective professional growth and specialty subjects, to learn, grow, and create together.
We offer a curriculum that provides students with the tools to learn about the structure and origins of current educational issues, and about the educational practices required of teachers as action researchers according to their respective career stages. Particularly, we provide opportunities to enhance the qualities and abilities necessary to engage in practical problem-solving, by sharing various views and perspectives on educational affairs through cooperative learning between newly graduated students and students who are in-service teachers.

【Specialized Education】

We provide opportunities to explore various sciences targeting diverse concepts related to society and to the field of education.

We support students’ qualities and abilities cultivated through various learning experiences as undergraduates or as working teachers. We also provide them with a curriculum to foster learning, integrating, and mastering educational practices required of teachers as action researchers. Furthermore, under close collaboration with schools and educational administration, we provide opportunities to return research results directly back to schools.

Educational Methods

We provide the above-mentioned educational content in the following ways.

(1) We deploy educational methods that actively expand individual potential.
Through collaborative learning, we share views and ideas from diverse perspectives and enhance the qualities and abilities for participating in the practical implementation of shared problem-solving.

(2) We provide an educational system leveraging the characteristics of collaboration with boards of education and school sites.
Through learning activities in collaboration with local boards of education and schools, we enhance the competencies of highly skilled professionals who can continuously develop their capabilities throughout their professional lives through interaction and integration of theory and practice.

(3) We provide practical educational programs according to student needs.
In many courses, both recent graduates and in-service teachers, who differ in terms of school, subject, experience, and stage of professional development, enroll in the same classes. In our professional development-based teaching practicum, students in the curriculum learn in stages such as problem discovery → solution → exploration, and problem analysis → solution proposal.

Academic Performance Evaluation Policy

We enforce rigorous academic assessments.

In lecture courses, we primarily emphasize summative evaluations, while in practicum and seminar courses, we primarily focus on formative evaluations. We evaluate student acquisition of core competencies and skills as action researchers, using A+, A, B, C, and F grades for all students, setting C as the lowest passing grade. We inform students of the evaluation methods of each subject through syllabi and other means.

Extracurricular Education Policy

We provide students with extracurricular opportunities to grow beyond what they learn in class, such as school support volunteering, learning support, NITS (National Institute for School Teacher and Staff Development) training participation, and conference presentations.

Admission Policy

Graduate School of Education (Professional Degree Course)