Educational Policy of Graduate School of Education (Master’s Course)
Fundamental Educational Goals
In the Graduate School of Education (MA in Educational Sciences), we pursue an expansion of educational possibilities. By exploring various scientific disciplines related to education in all contexts where human beings live, such as schools, homes, communities, and workplaces, we aim to cultivate advanced abilities in educational practice that contribute to school leadership, the international community, and local communities. Through dialogue and discussions among students, faculty members, schools, and communities, we support the development of individuals who possess flexible thinking and creativity who can function as practitioners equipped with the ability and character to play a leadership role. Our goal is to foster creative practitioners with the ability to support and lead, while nurturing soft skills and creativity.
Exemplary Students
Pioneers Utilizing Specialized Educational Expertise for International Engagement
Based on the “Fundamental Goals of Education” and the “Desired Traits of Graduates” at Okayama University, our graduate school cultivates individuals with specialized knowledge in education who possess a broad perspective and creative ability to apply in schools and society.
We will foster individuals in developing the following five abilities:
○ Practical ability that connects with the world through education, respects diverse cultures and values, and leads to problem-solving.
○ Inquiry ability that identifies and approaches challenges with logical, multi-perspective, creative methods.
○ Communication ability to collaborate and cooperate with peers.
○ Specialized abilities that deeply explore and integrate educational sciences.
○ Ability to creatively deepen one's own knowledge through diverse learning experiences.
Degree Policy
The Graduate School of Education (MA in Educational Sciences) program at Okayama University awards degrees to students who have studied for a prescribed period of time, acquired the following competencies, and earned the credits required for graduation in order to develop exemplary students.
Abilities acquired: Implementation Ability, Inquiry Ability, Communication Ability, Specialized Ability, Liberal Arts Ability.
【Implementation Ability】Implementation ability that connects with the world through education, respects diverse cultures and values, and leads to problem solving.
Students should develop the ability to understand the various issues existing in local and international communities, respect diverse cultures and values, and actively take part using advanced expertise in education to contribute to the realization of “Society 5.0” and create new values.
【Inquiry Ability】An inquiry ability that discovers issues and approaches them in a logical, multi-perspective, and creative manner.
The ability to proactively identify and set challenges, engage in efforts towards their resolution, and collaborate using “Specialized Ability” from various academic domains to respond appropriately. Students should develop the ability to formulate viable solutions to challenges and successfully resolve them.
【Communication Ability】Communication ability to collaborate and cooperate with peers.
Through PBL (Project-Based Learning), students with different areas of expertise can form teams and collaborate with professionals from various fields, establishing relationships that expand the possibilities of education.
【Specialized Ability】Specialized ability to deeply explore and integrate educational sciences.
By possessing profound specialized knowledge in education and related fields, one can develop advanced problem-solving abilities to critically reassess various societal issues from a scientific perspective, both domestically and internationally.
【Liberal Arts Ability】The ability to creatively deepen one's own knowledge through diverse learning experiences.
Through the study and practice of educational sciences, one can integrate new experiences with one’s own growth and development to foster a deeper understanding.
Curriculum Policy
To support individuals who have acquired the skills outlined in the Graduation Certification and Degree Conferral Policy (Degree Policy), The Graduate School of Education (MA in Educational Sciences) organizes and implements educational curricula based on the following principles and perspectives.
Education Implementation Policy
We will implement an education system that fosters the ability of students to continue learning proactively towards the implementation of a sustainable society.
Education Principles
From the perspective of active, dialogic, deep learning, we emphasize what students are able to do rather than simply focusing on what we expect to teach. We provide the following educational content.
【General Education】
Through collaboration and cooperation among students, faculty members, and the school and local community, we provide practical activities that promote dialogue and discussion, allowing individuals to learn and grow together as practitioners with flexible thinking and creativity.
We offer a curriculum that enables individuals to deeply understand and integrate various phenomena faced by individuals, local communities, and the international community in an empirical and systematic manner. By solving the identified issues and widely disseminating the outcomes in society, students acquire the skills to build new human values and develop flexible thinking abilities.
【Specialized Education】
We provide opportunities to explore various sciences that target education in all areas of human life.
In addition to systematic knowledge and skills in their specialized fields, students will have the opportunity to grasp and define individual issues from their own perspectives. Through team teaching and other methods, our curriculum enables students to discover and analyze the fundamental issues underlying various problems as well as acquire the ability to solve these problems.
【Language Education】
We provide education to enhance English proficiency, which is essential for school leaders and contributes to international and local communities in global society.
Considering research activities and practical work in multilingual settings, we encourage opportunities for presentations and exchanges of ideas in various languages, not only Japanese, through research and Project-Based Learning (PBL) activities.
Educational Methods
We provide the aforementioned educational content using the following methods:
①We deploy an education approach that actively expands individual potential. We broadly explore educational phenomena from the perspectives of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, and conduct empirical and systematic research on various issues faced by individuals and society. This enhances the qualities and abilities necessary to resolve these issues and enables students to contribute in educational settings and society at large.
②We offer an educational system that leverages the diverse characteristics of various specializations. Through dialogue and discussions with fellow students, faculty members from different fields of expertise, schools and communities, students enhance their qualities and abilities as practitioners with flexible thinking and creativity.
③We provide practical educational programs tailored to students' growth. The curriculum consists of two pillars: Project-Based Learning (PBL), where students collaborate to solve problems during their first year, and a two-year period of thesis research to deeply explore their respective areas of expertise. In classes and exercises, we clearly incorporate approaches such as ICT and active learning to cultivate and enhance critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities in a progressive manner.
Academic Performance Evaluation Policy
We implement rigorous academic assessment.
For lecture courses, we primarily emphasize comprehensive evaluations, whereas for practical exercises, we place greater emphasis on formative assessments. The grading scale is A+, A, B, C, and F, with the criterion for achieving the learning objectives set at a general level of C. The evaluation methods for each course will be provided to the enrolled students through a syllabus and other materials.
In Project-Based Learning (PBL), we conduct formative assessments to evaluate the transformative process of learning, and then provide comprehensive evaluations of the achieved outcomes during mid-term and final presentations.
The evaluation of a master's thesis involves several stages. First, in the second year, we hold an Educational Science Concept Presentation (mid-term presentation) where the progress of research is guided and evaluated. This is followed by the thesis examination and presentation (final examination), which culminates in a comprehensive evaluation of the deepened specialized knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and overall Ability in Practice.
Extracurricular Education Policy
We provide extracurricular opportunities for students to experience personal growth beyond classroom learning. These opportunities include volunteering, overseas study programs, and presentations at academic conferences.