Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmaceutical Sciences Major) (Doctor’s Course)
Admission Policy
The Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Doctor's Course) seeks candidates who have the skills listed below.
Profile of Prospective Students
In the Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Doctor's Course), we are looking for students who:
1 Aspire to become researchers or educators who are aware of the latest research trends and who can contribute universally from the local to the international community.
2 Aim for interdisciplinary research that integrates expertise about drug discovery and development.
3 Propose and conduct pioneering and original research leading the world, and disseminate research results.
4 Acquire advanced and broad knowledge about drug discovery and development, and cultivate problem-solving abilities that can adapt to the progress of science.
5 After admission, are eager and proactive in learning the advanced expertise and research capabilities required of pharmaceutical researchers or educators.
Abilities Expected of Prospective Students
【Implementation Ability】
Can devise and implement solutions to problems on their own.
【Inquiry Ability】
Can apply unique specialized ability to tackle issues related to drug discovery and development.
【Communication Ability】
Can summarize results from multiple perspectives and exchange opinions with others.
【Specialized Ability】
Possess high-level knowledge and skills for independently planning and conducting research.
【Liberal Arts Ability】
Can acquire the information and knowledge needed to solve various problems with a broad perspective.
Screening Policy
To be enrolled by a wide and diverse range of talents, we will conduct general admissions and selection of progressing students on multiple dates.
Screening Method
We evaluate candidates based on oral examinations, external English tests, and application documents to measure their academic abilities and aptitude sufficient for studying in the Doctor's Program of the Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Doctor's Course).
Screening Process
(1) General Admissions: This admission targets all those wishing to advance to a graduate doctor's program. Evaluations are conducted through oral examinations, external English tests, and application documents. In the oral examination, the specialized subjects of the desired educational research field are used to evaluate knowledge and understanding of the specialized research field【Specialized Ability】and problem-solving and exploratory capabilities【Implementation Ability・Inquiry Ability】. Combined with the application documents, a comprehensive judgment is made on abilities and attributes necessary for conducting research, such as information collection and communication abilities, a broad perspective, and an attitude of proactive learning【Liberal Arts Ability・Communication Ability】. English proficiency is evaluated based on the results of the external English test.
(2) Selection of Progressing Students: This admission targets those who are expected to complete the master's program of our graduate school and wish to progress to the doctor's program. Evaluations are conducted through oral examinations, external English tests, and application documents. In the oral examination, the specialized subjects of the desired educational research field are used to evaluate knowledge and understanding of the specialized research field【Specialized Ability】and problem-solving and exploratory capabilities【Implementation Ability・Inquiry Ability】. Combined with the application documents, a comprehensive judgment is made on abilities and attributes necessary for conducting research, such as information collection and communication abilities, a broad perspective, and an attitude of proactive learning【Liberal Arts Ability・Communication Ability】. English proficiency is evaluated based on the results of the external English test.
Prior to Enrollment
・In addition to the basic scientific skills related to drug discovery and development necessary for conducting research, specialized knowledge and experimental techniques related to the desired educational research field.
・English proficiency necessary for writing English papers and presenting and discussing research domestically and internationally.