Okayama University


Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems (Master's Course)

Admission Policy

Our graduate school seeks individuals equipped with the following attributes.

Profile of Prospective Students

We broadly welcome students from within and outside the university who possess the ability to tackle and solve problems, the inquisitiveness to think deeply about health system issues, the desire to collaborate widely, and the ability to deepen their own knowledge in specialized fields.

Abilities Expected of Prospective Students

【Implementation Ability】

The ability to take action in collaboration with others towards solving health system issues.

【Inquiry Ability】

The ability to look at health system issues through multifaceted perspectives.

【Communication Ability】

The ability to improve oneself through collaboration with others and interdisciplinary research across different fields.

【Specialized Ability】

The ability to not only focus on basic and applied research in one's own specialized field, but also to incorporate different perspectives and research methodologies from other fields.

【Liberal Arts Ability】

The ability to maintain interest in and continue learning about different fields, and not only from their own specialty.

Screening Process

Basic Policy for Student Selection

We conduct entrance examinations in three different ways: in summer, winter, and by recommendation. Successful candidates are admitted in April (there is also an October intake for the Special Selection of International Students). In the entrance examinations, we assess the rich humanity and expertise that students with diverse abilities, strengths, and backgrounds have developed up to now through written and oral examinations.

General Entrance Examination

As a rule, we administer written exams, essays, oral exams, and interviews (the Healthcare Science Division only requires document screening, oral examinations, and interviews). In the written examinations and essay tests, we pose questions that test the knowledge necessary for the graduate school, evaluating comprehensive understanding and proficiency in Japanese. We also assess understanding of the specialization in the educational research field of the student’s choice. In the oral examination of specialized subjects, faculty members from the desired research field evaluate knowledge of specialized subjects, understanding, specificity of research plans, level of aspiration, expertise acquired at the undergraduate level, and personal trustworthiness.

Entrance Examination by Recommendation

For students entering by recommendation, oral examinations and interviews are administered. In the oral examinations and interviews, faculty members from the desired research field evaluate knowledge of specialized subjects, understanding, specificity of research plans, level of aspiration, expertise acquired at the undergraduate level, and personal trustworthiness.

Entrance Examination for International Students

In the Human Care Innovation Division, we administer written exams, essay tests, oral exams, and interviews (the Healthcare Sciences Division only requires document screening, oral examinations, and interviews). In the written examinations and essay tests, we pose questions in either English or Japanese that test the knowledge necessary for the graduate school, evaluating comprehensive understanding and expression of the answers. We also assess understanding of the specialization in the educational research field of the student’s choice. In the oral examination of specialized subjects, several faculty members comprehensively confirm knowledge of specialized subjects, understanding, specificity of research plans, level of aspiration, expertise acquired at the undergraduate level, personal trustworthiness, as well as the prerequisite conditions for admission such as adaptability to different cultures and economic situations.

Overseas Selection for International Students (Global Interdisciplinary Science Course)

Through document screening, faculty members from the desired research division comprehensively evaluate knowledge of specialized subjects, understanding, specificity of research plans, level of aspiration, academic specialization, and personal trustworthiness.

Prior to Enrollment

Students are expected to have a thorough understanding of their field of specialization at the undergraduate level. Additionally, it is anticipated that students will have formed their own understanding of what a health system is and what integrated science means.