Okayama University


Professor Jian Feng Ma was awarded the Corresponding Membership Award from the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB)

August 03, 2016

Prof. Jian Feng Ma at Institute of Plant Science and Resources was awarded the 2016 Corresponding Membership Award from ASPB. The award ceremony took place during the ASPB annual meeting, Plant Biology 2016, held in Austin, Texas, U.S.A., from July 9-13th. No more than three distinguished ASPB members from outside the United States are awarded each year, with winners receiving life membership.

Prof. Ma was recognized for his pioneering work over the years with transporters that play a key role in the uptake and translocation of mineral elements for plants, as well as for being a world leader on research regarding resistance mechanisms in plants for aluminum toxicity found in acid soil, which inhibits plant growth. Prof. Ma stated, “I am honored to have the work we have done recognized internationally this way. This award encourages me to continue to work diligently to conduct world-class research.”

ASPB publishes two highly regarded journals, The Plant Cell and Plant Physiology. In 2015, Prof. Ma, along with lab member Assoc. Prof. Naoki Yamaji, were selected as Top Authors by ASPB, based on their papers being highly cited in the journals. They were two of the top nine authors in Asia. Prof. Ma was also selected as one of the World's Most Influential Scientists in 2015 by Thomas Reuters.

ASPB Awards Corresponding Membership:
http://www.aspb.org/awards-funding/aspb-awards/corresponding-membership/[New window]

Contact information
Professor Jian Feng Ma
Head of the Plant Stress Physiology Group, Institute of Plant Science and Resources
maj (a) rib.okayama-u.ac.jp
For inquiries, please contact us by replacing (a) with the @ mark.