Okayama University


Implementation of an International Research Exchange with the University of Seoul

November 07, 2014

8 students from the University of Seoul, Korea, visited our university from October 27th to November 3rd and interacted with the students here by touring on-campus facilities and listening to lectures with them.

This visit was part of the Japan Science and Technology Agency’s (JST), “Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science (Sakura Science Plan)” that is aiming to deepen exchanges between youth in Japan and other Asian countries in the science and technology field. Associate Professor Toshihiko Kiwa of the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology (Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering) implemented the exchange program and invited the students from the University of Seoul.

In addition to the “terahertz radiation chemical microscope” developed by Associate Professor Kiwa who is actively playing a leading role in the field of terahertz radiation engineering and the old collection of books at the Institute of Plant Science and Resources Branch Library being introduced, other activities such as a tour of the “Okayama Korakuen Garden,” one of the three largest gardens in Japan and a chance to experience Bizen ware was also planned in the attempt to get students to learn about the Okayama’s culture. The students from both the University of Seoul and Okayama University deepened exchanges while enjoying themselves.

A glimpse of the exchanges can also be seen in the postings on the following Facebook pages.
Sakura Science Plan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sspjapan?pnref=story[New window]
Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OkayamaU.ec[New window]