Okayama University


Okayama University Develops Educational Materials for Children on COVID-19 in Collaboration with the Science Council of Japan and the Knowledge Mobility based System Institute

November 02, 2021

Okayama University’s SDGs Initiatives Planning Committee collaborated with the Science Council of Japan and the Knowledge Mobility based System Institute (KMS) to create teaching materials that promote understanding of the novel coronavirus and provide much-needed information on how to prevent the spread of the virus. In accessible, easy to understand brochures that can be used as teaching materials in and outside of schools, the information is aimed at all ages, including elementary, junior, and high school children, university students, and adults. The latest brochure, which was posted in Japanese on the respective websites of Okayama University, the Science Council of Japan and KMS on November 2, gives information on vaccines.

Vaccines are an effective means of preventing the spread of COVID-19. Despite this, opinions on COVID-19 vaccines are divided. As countries around the world consider vaccinating children aged 12 and upwards, the volunteers creating these educational resources saw the need for science-based information on vaccines that is easy to understand for everyone, including children. This latest brochure explains what vaccines are, how they work, and encourages people to discuss different attitudes toward vaccines. It was designed as a follow-up to “Let’s Consider the Novel Coronavirus”, which was published online in 2020 and which has been viewed over 100,000 times on the KMS website and over 120,000 times via the Okayama University news site.

The brochure on vaccines uses simplified illustrations to explain the history of vaccines as well as how they work. Additionally, it is written in a way that can help even elementary school children to understand why people have different views on getting vaccinated. We hope that you find it useful.

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*If you would like to have the contents arranged for publication, please contact the Knowledge Mobility based System Institute Secretariat directly(E-mail:stop_corona(a)smips.jp *Please replace (a) with @.).
*The educational materials published on the Knowledge Mobility base System Institute website are free to use. That being said, we would like to acknowledge companies and institutions that make use of our materials. If you consent to having the name of your company/institution appear on our website, please contact the Knowledge Mobility base System Institute Secretariat (E-mail:[email protected] *Please replace (a) with @.) using the subject line “Consent to having name of company/institution appear on KMS website”. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Click here to download the latest brochure from the KMS website