PROFESSORS Professors of Dental School Professor OKAMURA Hirohiko Oral Morphology Professor SAWA, Yoshihiko Oral Function and Anatomy Professor YOSHIDA, Ryusuke Oral Physiology Professor KUBOTA, Satoshi Biochemistry and Molecular Dentistry Professor NAGATSUKA, Hitoshi Oral Pathology and Medicine Professor OHARA, Naoya Microbiology Professor OKAMOTO, Kuniaki Dental Pharmacology Professor MATSUMOTO, Takuya Biomaterials Professor YANAGI, Yoshinobu Dental Informatics Professor YOSHIYAMA, Masahiro Operative Dentistry Professor TAKASHIBA, Shogo Periodontal Science Professor KUBOKI, Takuo Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine Professor MINAGI, Shogo Occlusal and Oral Functional Rehabilitation Professor KAMIOKA, Hiroshi Orthodontics Professor IIDA, Seiji Oral and Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgery Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Biopathology Professor ASAUMI, Junichi Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Professor MORITA, Manabu Oral Health Professor NAKANO, Michiyo Pediatric Dentistry Professor MIYAWAKI, Takuya Dental Anesthesiology and Special Care Dentistry Comprehensive Dentistry Professor EGUSA, Masahiko Center for the Special Needs Dentistry About Dental School HISTORYDEANPOLICYPROFESSORSCorner Top